Università degli studi di Modena
Spoken Languages
Italian, English, French
  • Birth Date: 9.27.1973
  • Degree in Law -Università degli Studi di Modena – October 1997
  • Master’s Degree in Environmental Economy and Law – Elea Firenze, 1997/1998
  • 2002, January: Registration  to the Verona Bar Association
  • Spoken Languages: English, French, basic comprehension of Spanish, German, Roumanian, Russian

Operative Areas

Avvocato Luca Cifelli’s operative areas are mainly:

Labour Law with particular reference to employment contracts, redundancies, agents and sales representatives; preparation and drawing of settlements before the trade unions representatives.

International Contracts, with special reference to distribution contracts, sales and agency contracts, which also personally supervises the drafting in English.

Privacy – necessary fulfilments for companies and connections with Labour Law (eg, video surveillance, GPS on company cars, etc.) and with the Internet Law (eg collection of personal information through company websites).

Consumer Code, with special reference to Internet sales, warranties and defective goods and to contracts concluded outside business premises; he also takes care of disputes with telecom operators.

Commercial contracts for businesses (sales, distribution, sale and use of trademarks, etc); E-Commerce; Sponsorship Agreements.

Debt recovery for individuals and Companies.

Assistance with Insurance Companies, for any kind of accidents, injuries.